poniedziałek, 28 lutego 2011

The books I grew up with

I can still remember the time when I had only learnt how to read and my grandfather, trying to encourage my reading appetite, used to buy me a series of short stories for children entitled 'Już czytam'. I absolutely admired the stories as they were definitely suited for my age and interests, although today I am sure I would call them painfully naive. But that was only the beginning of the great passion I developed for books, which was continuously fed by both my grandparents thanks to their commitment and a good taste in books. Among the most important books of my childhood (and therefore of my life) are those by Konrad Makuszyński ('Szatan z siódmej klasy'), 'Hrabia Monte Christo' by Alexander Dumas, and a whole series of novels by Małgorzata Musierowicz. The novels by Musierowicz had been on top of my list of favorites well until I was about 15. I used to read them again and again, and I'm sure I would now again if I weren't so busy. The plot of the series is set in Poznań, my hometown, which definitely only adds to my empathy for its protagonists' adventures. The main plot revolves around the life stories of the members of a family of 2 parents and 5 daughters and later these daughters' offspring. The family is struggling as the mother is a housewife and the father is a University lecturer and both of them think that, in comparison to new clothes or a few sausages (communism flourishing), books are the items worth spending money on. A love story of one of their daughters, later grandchildren, is presented in each volume, each of them making the reader laugh out loud and cry by turns. And the style is everything but soap opera-like, no worries about that one:)
Certainly worth recommendation!

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