poniedziałek, 30 maja 2011

Happy news:)

I hope it's not only me who finds it a good news that preventing obesity in children is as simple (and pleasant) as this- see the link.

My childhood continued


Playing ladies with my grandmother... one of the best memories.
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Although I loved playing with other kids at the playground or in the street, and our imagination was just unlimited as far as inventing new games went, I was very attached to my grandparents and enjoyed spending time with them a lot. Every two weeks or so I would go to their house in what is now suburbs but then was a village where neighbours' cows would still go back from the pasture using the middle of the main road. Being born in the city I found that kind of things absolutely fascinating. My grandparents had a huge, beautiful garden, where we used to spend whole days with my younger cousin, Basia playing 'arranging restaurants'. These were absolutely lovely days and thinking about them just for a second always makes me cheer up.

My childhood


Can't believe I was so excited unpacking my first course books!
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czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2011

Chilling out

One of the best singers I've ever come across in my life is definitely Bob Marley, an artist who certainly doesn't need to be introduced to anyone. It doesn't necessarily mean that I listen to his songs every day or consider myself a devoted reggae fan, still, his music frequently and invariably makes me feel good when I'm down. It's so enjoyable and literally bursting with positive energy that, even if it's merely an outcome of extensive marijuana sessions (which I doubt), I'd strongly recommend Marley's music to anyone in need of some comfort.

poniedziałek, 28 lutego 2011

The books I grew up with

I can still remember the time when I had only learnt how to read and my grandfather, trying to encourage my reading appetite, used to buy me a series of short stories for children entitled 'Już czytam'. I absolutely admired the stories as they were definitely suited for my age and interests, although today I am sure I would call them painfully naive. But that was only the beginning of the great passion I developed for books, which was continuously fed by both my grandparents thanks to their commitment and a good taste in books. Among the most important books of my childhood (and therefore of my life) are those by Konrad Makuszyński ('Szatan z siódmej klasy'), 'Hrabia Monte Christo' by Alexander Dumas, and a whole series of novels by Małgorzata Musierowicz. The novels by Musierowicz had been on top of my list of favorites well until I was about 15. I used to read them again and again, and I'm sure I would now again if I weren't so busy. The plot of the series is set in Poznań, my hometown, which definitely only adds to my empathy for its protagonists' adventures. The main plot revolves around the life stories of the members of a family of 2 parents and 5 daughters and later these daughters' offspring. The family is struggling as the mother is a housewife and the father is a University lecturer and both of them think that, in comparison to new clothes or a few sausages (communism flourishing), books are the items worth spending money on. A love story of one of their daughters, later grandchildren, is presented in each volume, each of them making the reader laugh out loud and cry by turns. And the style is everything but soap opera-like, no worries about that one:)
Certainly worth recommendation!

niedziela, 20 lutego 2011


After 7 months of staying alternatively in Rennes and London I finally came back  to my home town Poznań and I am staying at my mum's, that is, at home. It sounds good, home, after a long period of being away. In fact, it doesn't only SOUND good, but it feels good, it smells good and looks so wonderfully familiar in each and every detail. My room is the absolute favorite on my list; it's very comfortably furnished and everything, including pastel colours of the walls and the carpet  and even tightly filled book shelves,  fits my personality and style just perfectly.
The other room that I really enjoy spending time in is the kitchen. First of all, this is the place where most of the time my mother can be found and this alone makes it a nice place. Secondly, it seems to be in human nature that we tend to spend lots of time next to food and drinkeven if not actually eating and drinking as the very proximity is just enough to make us feel safe.
I also like the living room where the TV set is, but having said that, I hardly ever get a chance to watch anything on telly, and even when I do there seems to be nothing really worth watching on and I end up reading a detective story by either Agatha or one of the Scandinavian, recently very prolific and succesful, authors.
I guess that's me for now.